About NSD


Национальный Славянский Дистрикт Ассамблей Божьих (NSD AG) – это братское объединение славянских пятидесятнических церквей США, основанное на взаимных соглашениях и добровольном членстве, являющееся частью Генерального Совета пятидесятнических церквей Ассамблей Божьих, насчитывающего около 13,000 церквей в США, около 3,500,000 членов церквей в США, 38,197 служителей в США и больше 370,000 церквей по всему миру, с примерно 69,000,000 членами.

членов церквей

НСД объединяет 80 церквей, 286 служителя получивших аккредитацию Ассамблей Божьих и около 17000 членов церквей (данные на 04.01.2023) из разных штатов.

Национальный Славянский Дистрикт Ассамблей Божьих, был создан в 2008 году

Главные цели

Podcasting operational change management inside of workflows to establish indicators offline to maximise the long tail.

Провозглашать Христа

Провозглашать Христа, как Господа и Спасителя, спасающего, крестящего Духом Святым, исцеляющего и вновь грядущего.

Оказывать помощь

Оказывать разностороннюю помощь (духовную, организационную, юридическую) священнослужителям и поместным церквям в их развитии

Способствовать освящению

Способствовать освящению, духовному развитию и Библейскому образованию на всех уровнях, особенно молодого поколения

Прививать любовь к Господу

Прививать любовь к Господу, церкви и миссии, развивая сотрудничество и общение пасторов и церквей между собой.

Аккредитовать служителей

Аккредитовать служителей для получения лицензий АБ

Расширять миссию

Расширять внешнюю и внутреннюю миссию и открытие новых церквей


Viktor Prokhor


Bishop Viktor Prokhor served Slavic people with humility and wisdom since 1990, showing dedication and unwavering faith in leadership. NSD Superintendent and General Presbytery. Senior pastor of Life Christian Church, Tacoma, WA.

Vasiliy Radchuk

Vice superintendent

Bishop Vasiliy serves the Lord and has contributed much toward the development of the NSD; he was appointed in 2009. Vice superintendent from 2023. Senior pastor Covenant Church AG, Boiling Springs, SC.

Alex Pekun


Pastor Alex passionately serves the Lord and has contributed much toward the development of the NSD; he was appointed in 2013. NSD General Presbytery. Secretary from 2020. Senior pastor of Light of the Gospel Missionary Church, Roseville, CA.

Valeriy Bayko

Office administrator

Pastor Valeriy Serving the NSD since 2014 and NSD office administrator from 2020. Senior pastor of Harvest Missionary Church, and President of Calvary International Christian Ministries, Sacramento, CA.

Roman Melnik


Pastor Roman a clearly dedicated servant of the Lord in accounting, and ministry. Roman has been serving the NSD Treasury since 2020. Senior pastor of Bread of Life Church, Kent, WA.

George Davidiuk

General Presbytery

Pastor-Evangelist George appointed in NSD in 2013, George’s Slavic heritage drives his dedication to serve the Slavic people with passion and love. NSD General Presbytery.



Для удобства координации служения, НСД имеет 9 региональных отделений на территории США, возглавляемых региональными пресвитерами

Become Part of NSD

Приглашаем служителей и церкви к сотрудничеству и совместному служению в составе Национального Славянского Дистрикта Ассамблей Божьих.
Церкви, желающие присоединиться к Национальному Славянскому Дистрикту, должны соответствовать следующим условиям:


Принять основы веры Ассамблей Божьих – 16 доктрин

Читай здесь


Иметь соответствующее решение церкви


Сделать все необходимое, чтобы пастор церкви был акредетированным служителем А/Б


Подать заявление от собрания верующих поместной церкви (членского собрания) о присоединении к НСД

Church affiliations

4 вида отношений с церквями

01. Аффилиированные Суверенные Церкви

(General Council)

Это независимые церкви, которые полностью поддерживают общие доктрины и стандарты Генерального Совета Ассамблей Божьих, сохраняя при этом свою автономию.

02. Суверенные Церкви присоединившиеся к Дистрикту

(District Council-1)

Эти церкви автономны, но вступают в местные дистрикты, следуя их уставам и участвуя в местных инициативах.

03. Аффилированные Несуверенные Церкви

(District Council-2)

Эти церкви работают под более тесным надзором дистрикта и могут быть частично или полностью управляемы дистриктом, получая от него поддержку и руководство.

04. Сотрудничающие церкви

Это церкви, которые не являются официально аффилированными с Ассамблеями Божьими, но сотрудничают с дистриктом в различных мероприятиях и инициативах, сохраняя при этом свою независимость.


Daniil Zakharchuk

Director of Youth Department

Pastor. Director of YOUTH DEPARTMENT of the National Slavic District of the Assemblies of God USA. Teen Challenge director.

Aleksandr Savchuk

Director of Education Department

Pastor. Director of CHRISTIAN EDUCATION DEPARTMENT of the National Slavic District of the Assemblies of God USA. Senior pastor of Mission Church, Clevland, OH.

George Davidiuk

Director of Mission Department

Pastor-Evangelist. Director of the MISSION DEPARTMENT of the National Slavic District of the Assemblies of God USA.

Alex Pekun


Pastor Alex passionately serves the Lord and has contributed much toward the development of the NSD; he was appointed in 2013. NSD General Presbytery. Secretary from 2020. Senior pastor of Light of the Gospel Missionary Church, Roseville, CA.

Viktor Limonchenko

Director of Pastoral Department

Bishop. Director of PASTORAL CONSULTATION DEPARTMENT of the National Slavic District of the Assemblies of God, USA.

Aleksandr Fedorchuk

Director of Family Department

Director of Family ministry Department of the National Slavic District of the Assemblies of God USA. Agape Mission director.

Juri Popov

Director of the Messianic Department

Pastor. Director of the MESSIANIC CHURCHES DEPARTMENT of National Slavic District. Senior pastor Beth Shalom Church, New York, NY

Alena Pekun

Director of women’s ministry department

Director of the WOMEN’S MINISTRY DEPARTMENT of the National Slavic District of the Assemblies of God USA.

Sergey Shakh

Director of Kids Ministry Department

Pastor. Director of the KIDS MINISTRY DEPARTMENT of the National Slavic District of the Assemblies of God USA.

Russel Korets

Director of Church Planting Department

Pastor. Director of CHURCH PLANTING DEPARTMENT of the National Slavic District of the Assemblies of God USA. Senior pastor of Woodmark Church, Woodmark, WA.

Vasiliy Botsyan

Director of the Church Development Department

Director of the Church Development Department of the National Slavic District of the Assemblies of God USA.

About Departments

Departments at the district level provide support and resources to local AG congregations. This could include training for pastors, resources for children’s and youth ministries, and guidance for church planting and growth strategies.

1 Peter 4:10-11: “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides.”

A Brief History of The Assemblies Of God

The General Council of the Assemblies of God (USA), one of the largest Pentecostal denominations in the United States, was organized in 1914 by a broad coalition of ministers who desired to work together to fulfill common objectives, such as sending missionaries and providing fellowship and accountability. Formed in the midst of the emerging worldwide Pentecostal revival, the Assemblies of God quickly took root in other countries and formed indigenous national organizations. The Assemblies of God (USA) is a constituent member of the World Assemblies of God Fellowship – one of the largest Pentecostal fellowships in the world. Visit the official AG website:  https://ag.org/About/About-the-AG/History

History Timeline

Historical Roots 1800s

Throughout the latter half of the 19th century in the United States, Protestants from various backgrounds began to ask themselves why their churches did not seem to exhibit the same vibrant, faith-filled life as those in the New Testament. Many of these believers joined evangelical or Holiness churches, engaged in ardent prayer and personal sacrifice, and earnestly sought God. It was in this context that people began experiencing biblical spiritual gifts.

Pentecostals pioneers were hungry for authentic Christianity, and they looked to previous spiritual outpourings, such as the First Great Awakening (1730s-40s) and Second Great Awakening (1800s-30s), for inspiration and instruction. They identified themselves in the tradition of reformers and revivalists such as Martin Luther, John Wesley, and Dwight L. Moody.

The Pentecostal Revival 1906

One of the focal points of the emerging Pentecostal movement was known as the Azusa Street revival (1906-09). It was an unlikely location for an event that would change the face of Christianity. In the summer of 1906, revival erupted in the newly-formed congregation meeting at the small, run-down Apostolic Faith Mission at 312 Azusa Street in Los Angeles, California. Critics attacked the congregation because its mild-mannered African-American Holiness preacher, William J. Seymour, preached racial reconciliation and the restoration of biblical spiritual gifts. The revival soon became a local sensation, then attracted thousands of curiosity seekers and pilgrims from around the world.

Seymour had been a student of Charles Parham, who provided the doctrinal framework for the young Pentecostal movement. Parham’s identification in scripture of speaking in tongues as the “Bible evidence” (later called the “initial evidence”) of Spirit baptism became a defining mark of the emerging Pentecostal movement. After students at his Bethel Bible School in Topeka, Kansas, began speaking in tongues at a prayer meeting on January 1, 1901, Parham, through his Apostolic Faith Movement, had some success in promoting the restoration of the gift of tongues. While the Apostolic Faith Movement was largely confined to the south central United States, the revival at Azusa Street catapulted Pentecostalism before a worldwide audience.

Formation of The Assemblies of God 1914

As the revival rapidly spread, many Pentecostals recognized the need for greater organization and accountability. The founding fathers and mothers of the Assemblies of God met in Hot Springs, Arkansas on April 2-12, 1914 to promote unity and doctrinal stability, establish legal standing, coordinate the mission enterprise, and establish a ministerial training school. These founders constituted the first General Council and elected two officers: Eudorus N. Bell as chairman (title later changed to general superintendent) and J. Roswell Flower as secretary, as well as the first executive presbytery.

The approximately 300 delegates to the first General Council represented a variety of independent churches and networks of churches, including the “Association of Christian Assemblies” in Indiana and the “Church of God in Christ and in Unity with the Apostolic Faith Movement” from Alabama, Arkansas, Mississippi, and Texas.

Creation of the “Fundamental Truths“ 1916

Almost immediately, leaders were faced with a doctrinal dispute – whether to abandon traditional Trinitarian theology in favor of a modal monarchian view of the godhead (also called the “New Issue” or Oneness theology). In 1916 the General Council approved a Statement of Fundamental Truths, which affirmed Trinitarian orthodoxy.

NSD Was Formed 2008

The large amount of Slavic churches in America called for an organization like AG, to help unite the people in hopes of bringing collaborate effort in furthering God’s Kingdom in the U.S.

The Slavic people believed that their immigration to the United States after the collapse of the Soviet Union was part of a greater plan that God had for both the American people and for the rest of the world.

Reaching the Entire Globe 2014

From the beginning, evangelism and missions have been central to the identity of the Assemblies of God and have resulted in a continuing growth at home and abroad. In 2014, the Assemblies of God claimed a constituency in the United States of 3,146,741 adherents; 12,849 churches; and 36,884 ministers. The General Council supported 2,847 foreign missionaries and associates working with the broader World Assemblies of God Fellowship, whose adherents numbered more than 67 million.

The aggressive missions programs of the church are designed to establish self-supporting and self-propagating national church bodies in every country. Ministers and leaders are trained in 2,378 foreign Bible schools and extension programs. The Assemblies of God has 17 endorsed Bible colleges, universities, and a seminary in the United States.

The National Office of the Assemblies of God is located in Springfield, Missouri. The National Office includes an administration building, the Gospel Publishing House, and the International Distribution Center. The Gospel Publishing House, the printing arm of the church, ships out more than 6 tons of gospel literature each day.


Through the NSD.church website, NSD’s desire is to grow in unity, work together as one, and further the Kingdom of God through our vision to Inform, Unite, Equip, and Multiply; because together we can do more.

Assemblies of God Mission

Evangelize the Lost

Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved. Mark 16:15-16

Worship God

… true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. John 4:23

Disciple Believers

If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. John 8:31-32

Show Compassion

Finally, all of you be of one mind, having compassion for one another; love as brothers, be tenderhearted, be courteous. 1 Peter 3:8

About our Outreach & Missions